06 July, 2012

Fearless - the story of one SEAL amongst many Heroes

When Navy SEAL Adam Brown woke up on March 17, 2010, he didn’t know he would die that night in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan—but he was ready: In a letter to his children, not meant to be seen unless the worst happened, he wrote, “I’m not afraid of anything that might happen to me on this earth, because I know no matter what, nothing can take my spirit from me.”
The story of Adam Brown recounted in “Fearless” is one, at least superficially, that resembles many of those surrounding other members of our armed forces. Small town boy, in trouble with the law, hits the straight-and-narrow, joins the service, and makes a difference.
In a nutshell that would be the story. If you stop there, however, you miss the true impact of this hero’s life and actions. From reading his story, Adam Brown lived a very full life and lived going wide-open. The story of his childhood, his battle with drugs and his coming to the realization that Christ was the answer are just the opening acts for a life spent being an example and, again, making a lasting difference.
While it would have been easy to write this book and relate Adam’s mission’s with SEAL Team Six – that would have made for a full book in itself, Eric Blehm has the less obvious choice and has given us a full picture of a true hero.
This is an excellent book which could nearly be required reading for young men in high school and college.
I was provided this book by WaterBrook/Multnomah in return for an honest review.
