13 October, 2010

Starting Again

On August 25, I lost my job. A series of stupid decisions on my part and a nearly 14 years of employment at one place down the tubes.
As bad as it was/is and as stupid as I was/am, God (as He always does) used the situation to bring about good.
Over the last month, I have grown closer to my family and my wife. Changes has come to my heart and while I'm not perfect, I'm a much better dad and husband today that I was on August 25.
The time hasn't been without challenges.
My health hasn't been the best for quite some time, but in some areas I'm feeling better.
Through the use of biofeedback I found out some interesting things.
I'm allergic to cheddar cheese, my type of deodorant, too much sugar in my body, I have too much stress, and a bunch of other things.
I've found out in changing some dietary things and taking some natural medications, that I can't eat pork, red meat and peanuts because they cause me to be ill.
The pain in my knees, ankles, elbows and hands has not eased any though.
But we are making progress.
Biofeedback does seem like voodoo a little.

Over the past year I have lost 45 pounds, and am down to 215. My goal is to get somewhere between 190-200 by the end of 2010.

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