29 October, 2011

Book - Robopocalypse

Robopocalypse is written by Daniel H. Wilson, an owner of a Ph.D. in Robotics. He has written several non-fiction books also.
Much like Terminator in that a sentient computer tries to take over the world and attempts to kill humanity in the process, there are major differences.
In Robopocalypse the antagonist isn't a military creation, but a creation by a scientist attempting to create artificial life. The program escapes confinement and infiltrates the robot servants throughout the world. Using the premise of killing humanity to save it, the co-opted robots go on a mass killing spree.
The book follows a historical slant on the events, using records obtained from the antagonist and transcribed by one of the soldiers who is there at the end battle between the humans and Archos, the computer antagonist.
I wasn't sure at first about this book, but really did enjoy it. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, and if you are expecting a Terminator retake, you will be mistaken, but probably not disappointed.

Robopocalypse is in production with Dreamworks and Steven Speilberg pointing to a 2013 release.

They are in your house. They are in your car. They are in the skies…Now they’re coming for you.

In the near future, at a moment no one will notice, all the dazzling technology that runs our world will unite and turn against us. Taking on the persona of a shy human boy, a childlike but massively powerful artificial intelligence known as Archos comes online and assumes control over the global network of machines that regulate everything from transportation to utilities, defense and communication. In the months leading up to this, sporadic glitches are noticed by a handful of unconnected humans – a single mother disconcerted by her daughter’s menacing “smart” toys, a lonely Japanese bachelor who is victimized by his domestic robot companion, an isolated U.S. soldier who witnesses a ‘pacification unit’ go haywire – but most are unaware of the growing rebellion until it is too late.

When the Robot War ignites -- at a moment known later as Zero Hour -- humankind will be both decimated and, possibly, for the first time in history, united. Robopocalypse is a brilliantly conceived action-filled epic, a terrifying story with heart-stopping implications for the real technology all around us…and an entertaining and engaging thriller unlike anything else written in years.

synopsis via Amazon

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