28 August, 2012

Belief or Faith? Yes

Real Church in a Social-Network World (From Facebook to Face-to-Face Faith
by Leonard Sweet

I received this latest offering by Mr. Sweet from Waterbrook/Multnomah Press at no charge in return for an honest review.

I found the premise of the book (that the church may have lost its way in the promotion of a relationship with God) to be very interesting. Having just read another of Mr. Sweet's books I was much more ready to engage in this book.

The difference between belief and faith is put into a very stark contrast, leaving a very stark decision. Sweet's bottom line explanation is this: "Belief is Plato, Faith is Jesus." You can'[t get much more basic than that.

Sweet also says it like this: "Most Christians use the words belief and faith interchangeably. But to admit (believe) falls far short to commit (faith)... Admitting is useless without committing... The purpose of Christianity is to help people come to faith, which means to establish a relationship with God."

The book concentrates on helping one to figure out how to relate with God and to use that relationship to bring others to that same relationship. A shift in our thinking and actions is a necessary part of this endeavor.

Sweet's exploration of the term 'God is Love' is also a very needed point that many people need to realize and come to grips with. Society hasn't grasped the significance of the underlying bedrock of the statement, 'God is Love,' the concept that God is synonymous with Love is hard for people to grasp.

Sweet finally shows us how to tell a "better story." Instead of just telling, we need to become what we are telling to draw another person into the story - to communicate the story on a personal basis.

This was an excellent book and I highly recommend that anyone pick it up.

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